Welcome to the NCKU Lab of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management. We are a group of researchers dedicated to exploring how entrepreneurs' venturing efforts profoundly change the course of industrial dynamics and drive economic evolution.

Lab Research Directions

Entrepreneurial Psychology: Cognition, Behavior, and Decision-making Process
Lean Startup and Business Model
Entrepreneurship and Institution
Social and Humane Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship Education
User Innovation
The Maker Movement
Amateur Innovators' Open Community
Governing Common-Pool Resource
Innovation and Knowledge Common
Trajectory of User Innovation
Ecosystem, Platform, Institution
Work Curiosity and Creativity
Cognitive Process for Creativity
Organizational Design
Curiosity in Work Settings
Motivation and Emotion
Curiosity, Creativity, and Employee Innovation
Contact Us
Lab of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management
Institute of International Management (IMBA)
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
No.1, University Road, Tainan City 701, Taiwan (R.O.C)
701 臺南市東區大學路1號
+886-6-2757575 ext. 53564